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Transitioning to Hybrid Work Model. What to do?

Updated: Jul 14, 2023

Two years ago the entire world suffered from a pandemic that forced many businesses to change their work style, many had to shut down because they couldn't survive and many had to opt for remote work. Now that the worldwide pandemic is finally calming down, companies have to search for a long-term solution to increase the efficiency of the employees. Many companies have decided to choose a hybrid work environment.

Hybrid workforce models appear to be the functioning plan of decision for various organizations today. Also, it's not difficult to envision that they'll keep on being so for years to come. They're effective, simple to implement, and, to be honest, the easiest path to take.

poly studio E70

While hybrid working remains a largely unmapped territory, some guideposts are emerging as experts from a variety of disciplines consider its challenges, explore their impact on organizations, and provide insights for planning how your business moves forward.

Poly has partnered with Worktech Academy on a white paper that incorporates insights and original research into twelve key considerations to help you develop a strategy tailored to your business.

Hybrid work lab

Common problems faced while shifting to a hybrid workspace

And keep in mind that with transitioning to these hybrid models, you’ll also want to focus on preserving company culture and promoting collaboration.

As we’ve seen, this isn’t necessarily going to be easy. Start initiating the important conversations today to position your workforce — on-site, remote, hybrid or otherwise — for ongoing success tomorrow.

How hybrid will your company be?

What will your office look like?

How will you support your remote workers?


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